
The smart phone OS marathon

              The race of smart phones for its survival at the age of technology has begin. With Android almost taking the major lead in this race but the other competitor's are not far behind, with Apple making Androids lead in the race a little difficult and windows also making its presence count . Since the low  price of the Android smart phones and many of the Chinese company coming into the market and selling the Android smart phones at a very cheap price , it had made other's to play a strategy game to survive in the smart phone market . With BlackBerry which was in the earlier days in the lead in selling the business phone which the lay man would call because, it was mainly used by the people who get emails or mainly used by corporate people but later blackberry became a common phone ( not smart phone ) but after the entry of an open source operating system I.e Android then the market of blackberry started losing its hold and android taking the major chunk of the market . But android is not the alone runner in the race Apple is giving them a tough fight and are the main contenders in  the market. Android being an open source os it has been the main plus point of it.  Apple a closed operating system but that doesn't make a major issue for its performance. I would mainly compare these two operating system only because they have a bigger market share then others. Android has open access by all the company and they can integrate it into their system with many mobile companies adapting to Android so they can easily get more customers and don't need to promote their own os instead. Apple with its own os i.e ios has always made it matter its presence.  The main plus point of ios is they have all the apps in the app store secure i.e they all are checked and then uploaded into the app store (i.e no fake app). But not in the case of Android there are many fake app present in the play store and no proper regulations are present but in apple no need to worry while downloading the apps they are surely not fake. In terms of the performance of the phone, Apple has always lived upto its promise you may hardly find any apple phone hanging in between but that is a common case in android.  You may find less hanging of high end phone but not the cheap android phone the hang every now and then. And I have personally seen the camera of both the phone and surely camera doesn't come in os configuration or a part of os, it is the part developed by the company bur no one can beat iphone in that case.
                   Android surely has it's own positive points and no one can beat it . Coming to windows os it is mainly functioning in the Nokia phone they have good camera a nice interface but when we come to its X box i.e it's app market it is not up to mark and does not have essential games or apps built for the windows phone which make it a little weak and the sharing options is not fully optimised. Coming to the Black berry it has already lost its market but trying to come back but not so promising because of its sophisticated interface and a hard look and surely not up to mark app market. The efficiency of the ios is the highest compared to any other OS and has an fantastic user interface and smooth touch and ok app store makes it the best os in my case. Second should surely be android because of all its features and third is windows and the last is the blackberry. 

1. Apple 
2. Android
3. Windows
4. BlackBerry
           These rankings are all personal views and are made on certain survey made by me . Thank you for reading patiently upto the end, keep checking my blog for more articles on technology.
 For the love of Internet and technology. ..........



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